Monday, October 27, 2008


"Mellow" is a song from freshman year of college. During that year it seemed that several times, I met someone cool and then did not see them for a long time. One problem was that we didn't have common activities. A secondary problem was that, despite a mutual admiration, sometimes we just didn't have many common experiences, so ultimately the vibe wasn't there. Occasionally, this would change and I'd reconnect with them, but not that often.

This was one such story, of the non-reconnecting variety. Early on freshman year, I went to a dance with a girl who I thought I got along with pretty well, but then she simply disappeared. At the time, this was "inscrutable" to me, but eventually I remembered that there was no conversational repartee at the dance to speak of.

It's from the album "In the Studio." I laid this one down at my high school's recording studio, on a break from college. Yes, and produced it myself as well:

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